Absolutely. If you are happy with your current advance directive, but you would like to be sure it can be more easily found when needed, you can upload it into Honor My Decisions.
1) Go to “Document my decisions legally and share them” on the dashboard.
2) From the “Create forms that are legal in” dropdown pick your state.
3) Once the form(s) appears (some states have two forms, one for the healthcare decision-maker selection and one for the living will) click on the “Not Started” dropdown for the form you wish to upload and choose “Upload”.
4) You have two options to upload — either uploading a PDF or uploading an image of each page of your advance directive which we will then turn into a PDF for you.
- If you scan the signed advance directive and save it as a PDF, click the “Upload a PDF” option and then “Choose a PDF” to find the right file on your device.
- If you’d like to take a picture of each page instead, take a clear digital picture of each page and then transfer those pictures to the device you are using to create your upload. Select the “Upload images” option, then use “Add an image” to pick the first page. Keep using “Add an image” until all page images have been uploaded. You can use the arrow buttons to change the order of an image or the X button to delete an image. Once all pages are present and in the right order, click “Save images to PDF”.
Regardless of which upload route you choose, you’ll then see an option to share the advance directive with any contacts you’ve already entered. You can always add contacts at any time and share your advance care plan with them (or stop sharing with them if you wish).
To see the form you’ve uploaded, go to “Document my decisions legally and share them” where you'll see a "Complete" dropdown next to the state form you just uploaded. Within that dropdown you can select "Print" which will open up the document in a new window for you to see/print or you can select "Delete" to delete the document from our system.
Your advance directive now will be available online at your personal URL for the hospital, your healthcare proxy, your doctors, and anyone else you've elected to share with to access.